TheMidLife Editorial Team

  • What Early Menopause Taught Me about Femininity & Self-Worth

    Menopause is a hurricane that strikes women in their forties and fifties. Imagine my horror when the gynecologist said it would hit me after two years! 34 is too young for menopause, right? Oh well. I did see it coming.  Before the diagnosis, I did a fair amount of research, and my symptoms indicated that […]

  • Sleep: Tips For That Elusive Prize

    Sleep ghosted me as soon as I hit 45. When I was younger, I could sleep anywhere, anytime. To add insult to injury, I also needed less sleep back then. It was an embarrassment of riches.  My biggest sleep issue is my struggle to sleep all night. I can fall asleep fine, but inevitably, I […]

  • Aging Parents: The Declaration of Elderly Independence

    A friend commented recently, “My mother would rather things go haywire than lose any independence.” A seemingly insignificant comment illustrated everything I had been doing wrong with my own aging parents. I’d focused too much on avoiding haywire and not enough on facilitating independence. I live two hours away and did not realize the “help” […]

  • 10 Tips for Parents from a College Professor

    As a college professor for over ten years and a mother for more than fifteen, I have seen my share of successful and unsuccessful students. I am aware of strategies that work to help students succeed. Here I will discuss the top 10 tips for parents on how they can assist their college-bound teens to […]

  • Mommy Wars 2.0

    Mommy Wars 2.0

    If the acronyms UB or YBM mean nothing to do, congratulations, you may have made it through the naughts unscathed. However, if, like so many of us, you were enlightened, informed, intimidated, and insulted on anonymous mommy message boards, I have bad news for you. The Mommy Wars are not over. And they are no […]

  • STFU: Coffee and Wine

    Children need love, shelter, structure, food, and more. Moms, however, need only coffee and wine. This has annoyed me almost since I first had kids. It bugs me in two directions. On one hand, it is the Mommy Martyrdom Myth. Our lives are just so, so hard. On the other hand, it feels like mom’s […]

  • Sleep Train Your Teenager

    If you are having trouble getting your teenager to sleep, rejoice – there is help ahead! Their Bedroom Should Be Conducive to Sleep Refrain from cleaning up the laundry or endless dishes and half-finished drinks. Your teen’s bedroom should be a sanctuary, so make sure it is just as messy and disgraceful at night as […]

  • Empty Nest Divorce

    Most people dream of marrying the love of their life and having children together one day, and it finally happens magically. But then the unimaginable happens years later when spouses are now in their midlife stage, their children are grown and leaving home, and their marriage is dwindling. Why is that? Did they stay together […]