
  • Using the Mirena Coil as HRT

    Using the Mirena Coil as HRT

    The MirenaTM coil – an intrauterine system (IUS) – is familiar to many women as a long-term contraceptive. However, it can also be beneficial to some perimenopausal women for use as the progesterone component of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Progesterone must be taken by women who have a uterus if they are using estrogen HRT because the […]

  • Is Your Company Guilty of Wellbeing Washing? Here’s How to Fix It

    Is Your Company Guilty of Wellbeing Washing? Here’s How to Fix It

    It’s 2023, and every notable organization is aware of the importance of the good mental health of its employees. However, when it comes to mental health, many employers merely talk the talk and do not walk the walk. Indeed, workplace mental health support is often performative, which is why well-being washing was coined. Claro Wellbeing […]

  • PMDD and Progesterone

    PMDD and Progesterone

    Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a severe form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) affecting 5 to 8 percent of menstruating women. Whilst PMS can be challenging enough, sufferers of PMDD endure debilitating physical, mental, and emotional symptoms in the days leading up to their period, which ends within a few days after menstruation commences. Whilst the condition is not fully understood, […]

  • What is Micronised Progesterone?

    What is Micronised Progesterone?

    Progesterone treatment is given as part of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for women with a uterus. This is because the oestrogen component of HRT causes the womb lining (endometrium) to thicken, and progesterone causes it to shed. Without progesterone, the thickened endometrium would result in an increased cancer risk.  Micronized progesterone is body-identical Current regulated […]

  • Unexpected Effects of HRT

    Unexpected Effects of HRT

    It’s no exaggeration to say that many women starting hormone replacement therapy (HRT) are praying for a miracle. Something to relieve the insomnia, the mood swings, the fatigue, the night sweats…the list is endless. And for many women, it works. However, some of us get more than we bargained for, cumulatively a range of unexpected […]

  • What is Chemical Menopause?

    What is Chemical Menopause?

    You might be used to hearing about the kind of menopause that gradually comes with age, the one that women who are hitting their late forties and early fifties are automatically assumed to be going through regardless of what their menopause status is. However, not all menopause occurs naturally.  Chemical menopause refers to a temporary […]

  • PMDD & Menopause

    PMDD & Menopause

    The Hidden Struggle of Menstrual Disorders Throughout time and across the world, menstruation has been an inconvenience to most women. Cultural and economic barriers exist that can make it hard to access appropriate menstrual products and health care, and the majority of us deal with a degree of symptoms from cramps to cravings. But for […]

  • Bioidentical versus Body-Identical HRT

    Bioidentical versus Body-Identical HRT

    ‘Bioidentical hormones’ are manufactured hormones that have the same chemical and molecular structure as the ones produced in the human body. The term can refer to the FDA– and MHRA-regulated and approved HRT that is available in retail pharmacies, or the individually-tailored preparations available in compounding pharmacies or private clinics. Its origins, however, are as a marketing term for […]

  • 10 Superfood Breakfast Ideas

    10 Superfood Breakfast Ideas

    Superfoods. Need I say more? We all need them in our daily lives, but figuring out the best way to integrate them into your lifestyle may be challenging. A great way to get started is to have an easily adaptable list of superfood breakfast ideas that you can mix and match.  But, first let’s recap, […]

  • Menopause 101: Your Questions Answered

    Menopause 101: Your Questions Answered

    We put together some common questions about menopause to inform you about what’s happening to your body in midlife. Here we answer questions such as “When do women start menopause?” “How long is menopause?”, along with everything in between, to provide a handy all-inclusive menopause 101 guide at your fingertips.  What is Menopause? Simply, menopause […]