If you are having trouble getting your teenager to sleep, rejoice – there is help ahead!

Their Bedroom Should Be Conducive to Sleep

Refrain from cleaning up the laundry or endless dishes and half-finished drinks. Your teen’s bedroom should be a sanctuary, so make sure it is just as messy and disgraceful at night as when they left in the morning.

What to Wear

Remember when your toddler had that favorite pair of pajamas? Just like toddlers, teens love to sleep in clothes that are comfortable and known to them. The great news is that the hoodie your teen has worn for 29 days straight is perfect. And they would wear it anyway, regardless of what you think. 

Consistent Routines

Start reminding them to do their homework around 9 pm. Continue to do so (remember – consistency is key!) every 20 minutes until 12:30 pm (or whenever you pass out).

Bedtime Reading

Ask your teen to set their TikTok to show captions or subtitles on every video. This will ensure that your teen gets plenty of reading done at night. 

Reassure Them

Threaten to take their phone away. Reassure them that you are serious this time. 


Please don’t make it sound like the rest of the family is having too much fun while trying to convince your teen to sleep. Ditch the movies and popcorn. Instead, fight with your spouse, storm around the house complaining that you are the only one who does anything around this darn place, or turn on a TV show and insistently call out whatever other shows or movies each actor has been in. You’ll get extra credit if you can’t remember the previous feature’s name and keep insisting it was “the one with the cop” or “that one we watched at Uncle Mike’s house.”

Night Feeding

Unfortunately, your teen probably needs to eat at night. Two or three cereal boxes and a gallon of milk should do it.

Do Not Attempt to Cry It Out

Trust us, it never works. You’ll feel worse in the morning, and your face will be all puffy.