Jennifer Muscato

  • What’s Holding Me Together During Divorce?  Self Love

    What’s Holding Me Together During Divorce?  Self Love

    After 25 years of marriage,  I moved out. My husband refused to leave the family home, so I did.  On my 48th birthday, I sat with my dog amidst piles of boxes in an unfamiliar house–dazed, exhausted, stressed, conflicted, and out of my element.  Two days later, I sat at my parents’ Thanksgiving table, the […]

  • Embrace Your Body, it’s Miraculous

    I have few friends my age (and younger, for that matter) who don’t hold some criticism about their bodies. What’s more, everyone seems transfixed on the latest cleanse, 30-day diet, and trendiest workout. Advice on how to reverse the clock, reverse gravity, and reverse the inevitable physical changes of aging flood our social media feeds. […]