
  • What’s Holding Me Together During Divorce?  Self Love

    What’s Holding Me Together During Divorce?  Self Love

    After 25 years of marriage,  I moved out. My husband refused to leave the family home, so I did.  On my 48th birthday, I sat with my dog amidst piles of boxes in an unfamiliar house–dazed, exhausted, stressed, conflicted, and out of my element.  Two days later, I sat at my parents’ Thanksgiving table, the […]

  • Starting Over at Midlife

    Starting Over at Midlife

    At age 50, I got divorced, got sober from alcoholism, became an empty nester, and was living alone for the first time in my life. I felt rudderless. As a gift to myself for my fiftieth birthday, I decided to try 50 new things to determine how I wanted to live the next chapter of […]

  • Dermatologists On a Haircare Routine for the 40 + That is Under $40

    Dermatologists On a Haircare Routine for the 40 + That is Under $40

    For many, menopause results in hair loss. But unfortunately, the changes in hormones can affect the composition, structure and growth of your hair. So it’s not just hair loss but also hair thinning, dry scalp, hair breakage, rough hair, decrease in hair growth among other things. As estrogen and progesterone levels fall, androgens overpower and […]

  • Making Friends After Divorce

    Making Friends After Divorce

    There’s no sugarcoating it: divorce can be a difficult and emotionally challenging experience, especially for those going through it in their mid-life. Many women likely imagined that they were settled in their lives and relationships, only to find themselves starting over again. One of the most difficult aspects of divorce in mid-life is the sense […]

  • Starting a New Career in Midlife

    Starting a New Career in Midlife

    My Career Shift to Writing at 51 At 51, I made a dramatic career change: I decided to pursue my lifelong dream of becoming a writer. I left behind a full-time job with benefits to work from home, drink coffee, and toil at my computer in my pajamas. It wasn’t due to The Great Resignation. […]

  • An Attorney Helps You to Prepare for a Divorce

    An Attorney Helps You to Prepare for a Divorce

    Divorce is a complex and difficult process that can be extremely emotional and stressful for all parties involved. It is a time when people must come to terms with the end of their marriage, make tough decisions about their future, and navigate a confusing and intimidating legal system. It is no wonder that the mere […]

  • The Most Important Financial Considerations For Women Over Age 50

    The Most Important Financial Considerations For Women Over Age 50

    For many people, “the big five-oh” represents a significant cultural “milestone in age.” But it’s a little different for women, especially as the average woman’s life expectancy is close to 82. There is still a lot of time for new vistas to open up. It’s also a time when your bucket list needs to shift. […]

  • The Power of New Experiences

    The Power of New Experiences

    I often find this stage of life improbably underwhelming, even as I spend my days spinning around in a blur of busyness. Surely, I’m not the only one who feels this way? So many of us plow through each day so burdened by the overwhelming demands on our time and emotions as dictated by kids, […]

  • Dressing after 50: I’ve developed a uniform and it’s so much easier

    Dressing after 50: I’ve developed a uniform and it’s so much easier

    It can be hard to dress your post-menopause body. Everything has shifted, for one thing, which means the clothing you once loved just doesn’t look the same. I’ve always liked wearing simple dressing. No scarves, no prints, no accessories. In other words, nothing that would hide my new belly.  A few years post-menopause, nothing fit! […]

  • The Book that Changed How I View Midlife

    After popping out my second and final baby, I sunk into a deep depression. Through tears one afternoon, I tried to explain to my husband what was circulating in my brain. “I’ve hit all the highs,” I moaned, “All that’s left is for me to get old and die. There is nothing left to look […]